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Reclaiming Redemption

Rabbi Moshe Taragin

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History has a beginning and an end; advancing history to its conclusion is called redemption. Redemption isn’t just a prophecy but is a core value of Jewish belief.​

To understand the culmination, we must consider the long view of Jewish history. By exploring prophecies, Chazal, and previous redemptions, we can construct a vocabulary of geulah.

What are the challenges of redemption? What role does land

play in religious identity? How do the dramatic revolutions of the recent past affect redemption?

In this momentous work, we reach back across the generations to hear the melody of our people — and their struggle to represent Hashem in this world and to reclaim the great love between Hashem and His chosen nation.

Rabbi Moshe Taragin has been a Ram at Yeshivat Har Etzion in Gush Etzion for the past 26 years. He has Semicha from the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, a BA in Computer Science from Yeshiva College, and an MA in English Literature from City University. Rabbi Taragin previously taught Talmud at Columbia University, lectured in Talmud and Bible at the IBC and JSS divisions of Yeshiva University, and served as Assistant Rabbi at the Fifth Avenue Synagogue.

In addition, Rabbi Taragin currently teaches at the Stella K. Abraham Beit Midrash for Women of Yeshivat Har Etzion in Migdal Oz in Gush Etzion. He is the author of an Internet shiur entitled “Talmudic Methodology” with over 5,000 subscribers a weekly shiur on Pirkei Avot with over 1400 subscribers and has delivered hundreds of audio shiurim featured on the Yeshivat Har Etzion “Audio Beit Midrash” ( KMTT) as well as on YU Torah online.

Rabbi Taragin has authored a Yom Ha’atzmaut Machzor for Koren publishing house. He is the author of Dark Clouds Above, Faith Below (Kodesh Press), which provides religious responses to Oct. 7.

Rabbi Taragin and his wife have 8 children and reside in Gush Etzion.

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